December 2023 by Monique A. Riley
I Always Feel Safe and Spriitually Sound.
December 2023 by Sealy Boi
Anomaly Containment was well kept.They will never find the truth with these precautions.
May 2023 by Gerard Balan
Ran into this place while visiting La Crosse. An absolutely stunning church that stirs you up spiritually. Highly recommend.
April 2023 by Martin Jason
Beautiful church.I’ve meet so very Nice people
December 2022 by Kevin Saldivar
Beautiful Sanctuary and beautiful traditions!
November 2022 by Elizabeth Neubauer
I went to this church for years with my mom and even did confirmation classes with them for my quince. Well the staff who managed the space and appointments stole my mother's deposit and ran off. Administration at the time held zero accountability for this.The confirmation classes were very homophobic. The slogan they went by was "Just because it's a right, doesn't make it right." Then proceeded to say the work of MLK was not meant for the LGBT community. Shameful and disgusting.
April 2022 by Christa Coleman
Fantastic!!! Will I be able to pick-up Good Friday? Or today?
February 2022 by cassandra rivera
Well to start out, the father could not go to my grandfathers burial last year because making money for the enchilada dinner was more important. I also have continued to receive mail for both grandparents who have been dead for a year and BOTH had funerals at THIS LOCATION. This church has lost the meaning of being christian and catholic as they only care about money. I used to talk so highly of this church and now I tell people to stay clear.
December 2021 by Mary Shah
I was there for a concert. The church was great!! Pews were well- marked with tape. This allowed us to self- separate for spacing. There were many people, and still enough seating. Concert was Border CrosSing, Classical Latin American music!! Everyone wore masks-- Yay!!
June 2021 by christopher zubulake
Very Warming and Caring All around
June 2021 by Yaretzi’s Bautista
Amazing church everyone is nice.
May 2021 by Don Luna
A very nice spiritual experience.
April 2021 by HisSonIsRisen Www
Solid catholic Christian church many young families solid alter crew proper Christian teaching Spanish friendly
February 2021 by Paul Vaillancourt
Beautiful service. Very heartfelt message from the priest.
January 2021 by Juan Diego Flores
I love how Father Andrés performs mass