SYDA Foundation

371 Brickman Rd, Hurleyville NY 12747


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From SYDA Foundation

The SYDA Foundation is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1974. The SYDA Foundation's role is to protect, preserve, and facilitate the dissemination of Siddha Yoga teachings. The Foundation works within the framework of a long-range vision to maintain all aspects of the Siddha Yoga path and preserve it as a dynamic spiritual path, now and for generations to come. The Foundation facilitates the dissemination of the Siddha Yoga teachings given by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, Swami Muktananda, and Bhagavan Nityananda. With Gurumayi's guidance, sevites in the SYDA Foundation create and produce Siddha Yoga teaching and learning events. These include Siddha Yoga Shaktipat Intensives, Siddha Yoga retreats, Global Audio Satsangs, and courses.

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