This Easy-Run Engine Test Stands location is TEMPORARILY CLOSED

Auto Repair
7111 Arlington Ave, Riverside CA 92503


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From Easy-Run Engine Test Stands

Ok so I want to apologize to everyone that has seen what has been on social media. I will say I messed up and posted something I shouldn't have and this activist Alex saw it and turned it into something way more then it was and is making me out to hate Mexicans and I just want to shoot all Mexicans, that is so not the case. He had called harassing me talking about my family , my dead mother and my kids very disrespectful and said they were coming to my home and I said if you fo I'll start shooting you with paint ball gun. He made it much more then it was and didn't mention all the crap he was saying. I don't hate Mexicans, my wife and most my family is Mexicans. This guy is just trying to ruin me. I am very sorry but that's not me

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