Randy's Auto Center

Auto Repair, Towing
1244 Buford Hwy, Cumming GA 30041



8AM - 6PM
8AM - 6PM
8AM - 6PM
8AM - 6PM
8AM - 6PM

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About Randy's Auto Center

24/7 Drop off and pick with secured key box. Pay online and pick up 24/7. Complete repair-all makes and models. We are your dealer alternative. We will help keep your car, truck or SUV on the road well after it passes 100,000 miles. JEEP WRANGLER specialist for all mechanical repairs. A/C repair for R134 freon and 1234yf freon. We have the equipment and training to service and repair the new 1234yf freon. We are your dealer alternative for A/C repair---we will save you $$$. FAST Drive Thru Emissions Testing.

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Parking: Lot
Come visit Randy's Auto Center in Cumming! We are proud to specialize in Auto Repair. As the premier auto repair shop in Cumming, our highly-trained automotive mechanics take great pride in supplying: Brake Repair, Exhaust Repair, Emissions Repair, and Jeep Repair. Each of our reliable specialists undergo extensive automotive repair training to meet all your auto repair needs. The maintenance experts of Randy's Auto Center have been honored to serve Cumming for the past 14 years. While we focus on Auto Repair, Brake Repair, Exhaust Repair, Emissions Repair and Jeep Repair, we also provide a long range of other auto repair services listed on our services page. Our auto repair experts have built our reputation by providing consistently superior service here in Cumming. No matter what your vehicle needs, come see us at Randy's Auto Center today! From Brakes to transmission to engine work, we are the best one stop auto repair shop in Cumming. We provide trustworthy, fast, reliable, and quality work at the right price. Don?t just pass through; come see us for any of your auto repair needs.

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